If you’ve been charged with a crime and don’t know what to do, it’s time for some serious defense.
A criminal defense lawyer can help you understand your options, prepare for trial, and get through the process as quickly as possible.
What’s the Crime of Criminal Damage to Property?
Criminal Damage to Property is a crime that occurs when a person intentionally damages another property. The damage may be done by breaking something, kicking it, throwing it or even sitting on it.
There are different types of criminal damage to property in Canada:
- Simple Assault (Criminal Code Section 264(a)) — This is when someone hits another person with their fist or elbow with intent to cause bodily harm; however, no injury results from the offense and there are no additional injuries sustained by anyone else who was involved in this incident. In other words, if you punch someone hard enough for them not only have bruises but also have some swelling or bleeding (but no broken bones), then this would qualify as simple assault under Canadian law!
- Aggravated Assault (Criminal Code Section 265(b)) — This charge applies when someone causes significant injury while committing an assault against another person by using a weapon such as knife/spade.
What are the Consequences of a Conviction?
The consequences of a conviction vary depending on the severity of the crime.
For example, if you are convicted of stealing someone’s bicycle and they react by calling the police, it may not result in much more than an angry conversation with them.
However, if you steal someone’s car and then drive it into a building while trying to get away from police officers who have caught up with you, this could be considered more serious than merely stealing someone’s bicycle—and it may also mean more jail time.
Convicting an individual can affect their future employment, housing options and immigration status (e.g., deportation).
Is There Anything I Can Do To Get My Case Expunged?
If you’re facing a criminal charge, the first thing to do is find an attorney who can help you get your case expunged.
Expungement is a way for those with past convictions to wipe away their record and potentially lower their chances of being arrested or pulled over by law enforcement.
It’s also possible that other employers may consider hiring someone with an expunged record if they believe it’s in their best interest.
The process is fairly simple: go back through your files and look up any convictions that were recorded on police reports or court documents. If there aren’t any, then congratulations!
You’ve successfully achieved “expungement” status!
Now, all we need are some forms from our local county courthouse (or whatever state jurisdiction we live in) so that we can officially have this done legally.
If you’ve been charged with a crime, it’s important to understand what the consequences are.
It’s also important to understand how your case will be handled by the criminal justice system and what kind of help you can get from an attorney. If you’re facing criminal charges, call us today for more information about your situation!