If you are a victim of auto theft and are wondering whether you are covered by your insurance policy, you can get legal advice for a car theft case from an attorney. Generally they have over 30 years of experience helping victims recover compensation for their stolen vehicles. This article will help you understand your coverage as well as how to file a claim. The advice you receive will help you protect your rights in court and receive the compensation you deserve.
Criminal defense for auto theft charges
If you’ve been arrested for auto theft, you may be wondering what your options are. Depending on your situation, you may be able to fight the charges with a criminal defense. It can be tricky to prove that you did not steal a car, but there are ways to get away with it. One good defense is called “consent.” This means that you gave permission to use the vehicle. However, consent is not always enough. It must be present on the specific occasion.
If you’ve been accused of auto theft in New Jersey, you may be eligible to take part in the state’s Veterans Diversion Program. This program is for service members and retirees who have mental health issues. You might also qualify for this program if you have a mental illness. If you have a mental illness or have been arrested for a stolen vehicle, you may qualify for this program. In these situations, a criminal defense attorney can help you understand what your options are.
If you were charged with auto theft, you may be charged with a third-degree felony. Even if the stolen vehicle is only worth $200, a conviction could result in years in prison and hefty fines. Although penalties for auto theft vary from state to state, some punishable offenses are less severe than others. It is important to hire an attorney for your auto theft case as a qualified auto theft lawyer can help you throughout the entire trial.
Insurance coverage for a stolen car
You’ll want to know if your auto insurance policy covers theft of your car. Generally, your auto insurer will reimburse the cost of the repairs, less any depreciation, minus your deductible. If you’re making a total loss claim, however, you’ll want to be prepared for some negotiating. The insurance company will likely try to start at the low end of the value of the car, so do your research beforehand and don’t be afraid to ask for the highest possible payout.
Once you’ve gathered all the information you need to make your claim, you’ll want to submit a police report and any other documentation you can gather. You should have the vehicle’s license plate number, as well as its Vehicle Identification Number, readily available to your insurance provider. Also, if you’ve registered the vehicle with the leasing company, be sure to present a copy of the police report. After all, the car insurer must be thorough to avoid spending time and money on a replacement vehicle.
After filing a police report, you’ll want to contact your insurer to file a claim. The police will enter your car’s details into national and state databases, making it much harder for thieves to resell it. You’ll want to provide as much information as possible, including any personal property in your vehicle. When filing a claim, your insurer will open an investigation to determine if you have vehicle location devices.
Steps to file a claim after a car theft
As soon as you’ve lost your car, contact the police, and write down the VIN number, make, and model of the vehicle. You should also make a note of the last place you parked it, and write down any information you think is relevant. If the car was tracking-equipped, record where it was registered. If you have insurance, save your insurance card information as well.
Fill out official forms to report the theft. Your auto insurance provider may want to request additional information, and you should contact them as soon as possible. If you’ve had your car stolen, be sure to gather all the evidence you can. File police reports and obtain any other documentation you can. You can also gather witness accounts, video footage of nearby houses, or storefronts, and other pertinent information.
Notify your insurance company. If you’re without comprehensive coverage, your insurer may not cover the theft. But if you have comprehensive coverage, they’ll be able to reimburse you in the event of an accident. Also contact the lending company if you have one. Some insurers will pay the lender directly. If you have a vehicle location device on your car, you’ll want to notify them immediately.